Babban Permeability Ferrite Magnetic Alloy Iron Foda Cores

Takaitaccen Bayani:

Girman: Mai iya canzawa

Material: Sendust, Si-Fe, Nanocrystalline, Mn-Zn Ferrite, Ni-Zn Ferrite Cores

Siffar: Toroid, E/EQ/HC, U-dimbin yawa, toshe, ko musamman

Jiyya na saman: Mai iya canzawa

Cikakken Bayani

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Iron Powder Corewani abu ne mai laushi mai laushi wanda ya dogara da ƙarfe mai tsabta ko carbonyl baƙin ƙarfe foda; gauraye da kayan ɗauri kuma an matse don samarwa. The surface is coated with insulation material. Bakin foda na baƙin ƙarfe yana da babban ƙarfin maganadisu (14000Gs), don haka ba za a cika shi a ƙarƙashin babban filin maganadisu ba. Yana da kyawawan halayen da aka fi ƙarfin DC.

Alloy Foda Coresare soft ferromagnetic cores made from ferrous alloy powders, after insulating, mixed, and pressed with an in-organic binder then annealed at high temperature. Alloy Powder Core kayan ana dannawa tare da mai ɗaure inorganic, don haka babu tsufa na thermal. Alloy Powder Cores have distributed air gap cores that are primarily used in power inductor applications, such as switched-mode power supply (SMPS) output filters, differential inductors, boost inductors, buck inductors, and flyback transformers. Alloy Powder Core materials are high resistivity, low hysteresis and eddy current losses, and excellent inductance stability under both DC and AC conditions.


Wadannan Powder Coressuna samuwa a cikin nau'i-nau'i iri-iri, ciki har da toroid, E/EQ/HC, U-shaped, block, da sauransu. Hakanan, ana iya keɓance shi gwargwadon buƙatun ku.

: Sendust Cores, Si-Fe Cores, Nanocrystalline Cores, Mn-Zn Ferrite Cores, Ni-Zn Ferrite Cores, Iron Powder Cores, da dai sauransu.



* Nanocrystalline Coils

*Nanocrystalline Isolation Transformer



* Nanocrystalline Cores &

*Maɗaukakin Matsala na Dindindin na Tuƙi Matsayin Sensors
*Magantattun Magnets na Dindindin don Ma'aunin Birki

*NdFeB don Tsarin Nishaɗi
*Injected Magnets a cikin Actuators,
* Pumps da ƙari

Masu canzawa
* Inductor Amorphous & Coils
* Nanocrystalline don Masu Canza-zage
* Soft Magnetic Alloys Chock Coil
* Soft Magnetic Alloys Core


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